i’m so glad my reigning queen of crazy courtney love finally realized she’s way too skinny – she recently told grazia magazine I know I’ve got too skinny, I know I need to sort it out. I am going to put on 15lbs in one month. (quote via daily mail) this is seriously the best news i’ve heard all week – with all the shit she’s done to herself over the years – it amazes me ms. love is still around (knock on wood) frankly i think we’re going to be stuck with her for years to come – she’s going to be the craziest old lady the world has ever seen and i’ll be right there to cheer her on – i love this bitch! enjoy the pictures below of ms. love taking a late night stroll in NYC and let’s check back in on courtney next month and see if she sticks to her weight gain plan! popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo