hey hey! tonight i’m heading out again (last night’s fever ray show was simply breathtaking) this time to catch cutie blake lewis who’s playing down at the roxy and celebrating the release of his second album heartbreak on vinyl which just came out last week! (i highly recommend picking yourself up a copy – it’s available over on itunes) luckily i’m going to get to meet with blake for a few minutes before the show – i’m totally going to snap a picture with him – he’s beyond adorable and quite talented! i suppose i will have to ask him what he thinks about paula abdul leaving american idol (i’m still not happy about it at all) i’d also like to know if blake still keeps in touch with ms. jordin sparks! i’ll try to twitter as well (you can follow blake on twitter too!) last night i got zero reception – i do love my iphone but i’m so over AT&T’s crappy coverage and service! popbytes over & out for tonight – xoxo