So remember how yesterday, Linda Hogan went on the record to say that Hulk Hogan was an abusive asshole who tried to kill her? And then everybody said “Gee, ya don’t say”? Well, Hulk went on the defensive today to say that Linda was delusional and that everything she said was a lie. Except his argument lost steam a little bit when you consider he made his point on the Bubba the Love Sponge Show. *Insert banjo twangs here*
Hulk phoned-in to the “Bubba the Love Sponge Show” this morning to set the record straight with Bubba himself — telling the DJ that Linda’s claims of abuse, which she made this morning on the “Today” show, are “a cold, blatant lie.” He continued, saying there’s “no reason” to defend himself against Linda — calling her a “non-issue” who’s “still riding on the Hulk Hogan name.” Hulk tells Bubba — Linda is just another hater trying to exploit him, adding, “Just take her and put her in the same category with the Iron Sheik and the Ultimate Warrior. They all belong together.” SOURCE
Seriously? This is your defense here? You called your wife crazy by calling into some backwoods radio show and comparing her to wrestlers? Holy crap, it’s like you’re trying to nail every single white trash stereotype at the same time. If he banged his daughter immediately after calling in, I will literally shit a brick.