Hollywood marriages are exploding?

Hollywood Marriages Explode - Star Magazine
<a href="http://www.sodahead.com/fun/which-couple-will-get-divorced-first/question-1951463/" title="Which couple will get divorced first?">Which couple will get divorced first?</a>

Oh Star magazine, please tell us something we don’t already know! Of course 99% of all Hollywood marriages end up in divorce! The latest cover from this week is featuring three couples supposedly on the brink of heading to Splitsville …

Katy Perry & Russell Brand (LONELY!)

Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher (CHEATER!)

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner (DRUNK GAMBLER!)

I seriously can’t decide which couple might get divorced first (I believe Demi & Ashton have been together the longest?), so I’ve decided to get all crazy and added in a poll to the right, so cast your vote now! I’ll be sure to keep a close eye on all three couples, as should you!

Marriages exploding is by far the least scary topic featured by the magazine this week, the scariest is the very thought of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez producing offspring which makes me ill!

For a bonus, the magazine is bringing us Botox stars (Nicole Kidman?) and frozen faces with fourteen ‘amazing’ photos, that’s not quite the verb I would use to describe ’em but to each his own!

Hollywood Marriages Explode - Star Magazine

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5720 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.