hey kids – below find the latest cover of celebrity living weekly that will hit newsstands this week – it’s all about hollywood and its obsession with being a toothpick (i prefer the color ones vs the old standard – what say you?) featuring eight current ‘ladies working the pick’ – i am skinny myself but some of these ladies are taking it to extremes – especially that nicole richie (but i am getting a little over all her skinniness…just gain some weight girl and call it a fucking day)
one headline that did catch my eye is at the very top…does brad miss jen? is he having second thoughts about angelina? i highly doubt it – i’m sure brad has some warm & fuzzy fond memories of doing the aniston but with angie & baby (and children) in the picture…jen is just a fading memory…sad (not really) but true – anyways i am so glad it’s thursday – i desperately need this weekend to recover from a very busy pop week! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!
PS with the premiere of american inventor over on ABC tonight – i wonder who invented the toothpick? here is wikipedia on the toothpick