Remember Holly Madison? She was the famewhore Hugh Hefner was banging who wasn’t Kendra Wilkinson. Or the one who left him at the alter. Or the twins. Or Bridget Marquardt, who was apparently shot off into the deepest recesses of space the moment her reality show was canceled. Anyway, she got her tits insured for $1 Million, because at this point, they’re the only profitable part of her, and how is she supposed to keep food on her table if rich old millionaires can’t motorboat them? People reports:
Madison, 31, said she did it to protect herself and others who appear in her Las Vegas production, Peepshow. “I’ve heard about people getting body parts insured and I thought, why not?, because if anything happened to my boobs, I’d be out for a few months and I’d probably be out a million dollars,” she said. “I thought I’d cover my assets.”
$1 Million. For boobs. Call me crazy, but I think the cost to get new implants and makeup to cover any imperfections might be way less than $1 Million. Once again: could be wrong, but if only millionaires could afford huge tits, then how come so many whores are walking around with bolt-ons hanging off their rib cages? My point exactly.