See what I mean about how everyone went baby crazy this weekend? Well now Hilary Duff has gone and gotten herself pregnant, because you can only allegedly get caught giving blowjobs for so long before your jaw just starts getting sore and at that point you’re just like “oh for fuck’s sake, just stick it in the backdoor already, there are no teeth back there anyway.” Too much?
“This weekend, Mike and I are celebrating our one year anniversary! In memory of the special day, we decided to post some of our favorite pictures from our wedding!” she wrote on her official website Sunday. “I can’t believe it has already been a year. Time really flies when you’re having fun! We also want to share the exciting news that baby makes three! We are extremely happy and ready to start this new chapter of our lives. Thanks to everyone for the continued love and support throughout the years!” SOURCE
How in the hell is this happening? Does no one else remember Hilary Duff back when she was the adorable blonde girl on the Disney Channel who was fighting with Lindsay Lohan over Aaron Carter? Yeah, who would have thought that out of all of them, Hilary would be the only one with any semblance of a career left to her name? Listen up kids: that’s why you don’t do drugs. Because if you do, you get your ass kicked by Hilary fucking Duff.