Heather Mills really wants us to remember she’s alive!

Proving herself to be the HPV of the celebrity world, Heather Mills is squawking up about how her voicemail was hacked by the Daily Mirror more than ten years ago. TEN YEARS PEOPLE! Way to strike while the iron’s hot on that one. To add ‘credibility’ (and I use the word loosely) to her story, she’s name dropping Piers Morgan who was the editor of the now defunct paper at the time. Here’s the twist: Piers openly admitted that he listened to the message, in 2007.

At one stage I was played a tape of a message Paul had left for Heather on her mobile phone. It was heartbreaking. The couple had clearly had a tiff, Heather had fled to India, and Paul was pleading with her to come back. He sounded lonely, miserable and desperate, and even sang We Can Work It Out into the answerphone.

Here is Piers Morgan’s new statement:

Heather Mills has made unsubstantiated claims about a conversation she may or may not have had with a senior executive from a Trinity Mirror newspaper in 2001. The BBC has confirmed to me that this executive was not employed by the Daily Mirror.

I have no knowledge of any conversation any executive from other newspapers at Trinity Mirror may or may not have had with Heather Mills.

What I can say and have knowledge of is that Sir Paul McCartney asserted that Heather Mills illegally intercepted his telephones, and leaked confidential material to the media. This is well documented, and was stated in their divorce case. Further, in his judgment, The Honourable Mr. Justice Bennett wrote of Heather Mills: “I am driven to the conclusion that much of her evidence, both written and oral, was not just inconsistent and inaccurate but also less than candid. Overall she was a less than impressive witness.”

No doubt everyone will take this and other instances of somewhat extravagant claims by Ms Mills into account in assessing what credibility and platform her assertions are given.

And to reiterate, I have never hacked a phone, told anyone to hack a phone, nor to my knowledge published any story obtained from the hacking of a phone.

Now, not to make light of the whole scandal, after all there were some truly innocent victims of this situation, but Heather needs to learn when to keep her big mouth shut. She also needs to remember that no one really likes her and has about zero relevance in most people’s lives. Besides, bringing this up now is like telling mom that your brother punched you TEN YEARS AGO. Sure, it shouldn’t have happened, but bringing it up now means nothing.

Heather Mills