Guess who got drunk last night?

Lindsay Lohan

I’ll give you a hint: LINDSAY LOHAN LINDSAY LOHAN LINDSAY LOHAN LINDSAY LOHAN LINDSAY LOHAN. Give up? IT WAS LINDSAY LOHAN. Literally hours after being released from the dreaded confines of her own unmonitored home, Lindsay swore up and down that this was a new start for her and she was going to focus on her career and her community service. HAHAHA! Just kidding. She went out and got completely shitfaced, or perhaps she really was just drinking soda, but this is LiLo we’re talking about!

“Lindsay and her assistant and a bunch of friends were hanging out at the club,” an eyewitness told “She was sitting on the outdoor patio chain smoking and talking to some guys and girls about silly things, like what the perfect height was for a girl.” Lindsay’s assistant handed her what looked to be sodas all night long, while she chatted away with her friends. “Lindsay’s hair was down in the beginning of the night, but she put it up in a bun after a while,” the eyewitness said. SOURCE

In all fairness, when she said she was going to focus on her career, she actually meant her career as a raging alcoholic drain on the taxpayer’s money. Which is, at this point, the only job she actually has not counting doing commercials for websites no one’s ever heard of because not a single person in Hollywood would touch her. Seriously, you know your career’s in the shithole when Gary Busey is seen as a safer draw than you.

Lindsay Lohan

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.