For the past little while, the web has been delighting itself with the rumor of a third Ghostbusters movie with an all-female cast. Which is an awesome idea, but just because the web wants something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to happen. If that were the case, Half-Life 3 would have been out years ago. Except it turns out, not only did Ghostbusters 3 director Paul Feig announce Katie Dippold as the film’s screenwriter, but he also hinted at the all-female cast …
It's official. I'm making a new Ghostbusters & writing it with @katiedippold & yes, it will star hilarious women. That's who I'm gonna call.
— Paul Feig (@paulfeig) October 8, 2014
See internet? You accomplished something for once! And it didn’t involve useless petitions or sending your money into empty void that is Kickstarter. Now, all I ask is that you actually follow through on this and go watch the movie. In theatres. And you pay with money. Seriously, don’t let this turn into another Scott Pilgrim “Oh please make this movie we’d be ever so grateful WHOOPS looks like we all torrented it for free thanks!” thing. Hollywood will only make the movies we tell it to make if we’re willing to support them back.