FitnessBytes: Stop being a filthy whore!

Kellan Lutz

I see you gross bitches carrying the same dirty old gym bag every damn day (throws Kellan Lutz a side eye)!

Kellan Lutz

Seriously, y’all nasty! “[A gym bag] becomes a terrific breeding ground for bacteria such as MRSA, which causes skin infections,” Dr. Charles Gerba tells Men’s Health. Infected by your own filth! Luckily there’s this thing called SOAP and WATER that will fix this situation right up. To fight odor, fungi, bacteria and viruses, wash your gym bag at least every three months (see a quick trick to keep your bag bacteria free in-between washings on my blog).

P.S. To clarify today’s title, I’m in no way suggesting that anybody stop being a whore — just don’t be a filthy one! *W*

Never, EVER do this at the gym: The Six Most Annoying Gym Habits!
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About WES FERGUSON 129 Articles
Wes Ferguson is a former Senior Editor at Entertainment Tonight and is a certified personal trainer; specializing in his own brand of combination moves that target multiple areas of the body at once for maximum results in minimal time. He has a background in martial arts, gymnastics, yoga and dance, He currently trains in Hollywood and runs a wellness website,