Dodgeball: It’s not just for middle school kids! True story. Don’t believe me? Ask Christopher Showerman:
If you don’t recognize this hot bitch, he looks better as George of the Jungle:
Big and dumb. I’m all about it. I’m also all about trying new activities, so I joined the VGL (Varsity Gay League) for open gym dodgeball in WeHo last night. Though I got up in full gear, I looked less like jungle boy in a dodgeball tee and more like this.
While I hit the gym like a maniac, I don’t consider myself very athletic. Group sports are daunting because even the gays have their jock types who yell and run hard and play well and make everybody else look like girly boys. It takes a lot to man up and get in the game. I dare you to challenge yourself and jump in. Let go of all those childhood taunts and give it a go! There are all sorts of community activities (gay, straight or mixed) that get people of all ages together in a unique bonding experience. DO IT! You’ll be better for it — and might even meet a hot guy. Here’s how it plays out:
YOU: Dude, I suck at this game!
HOT JOCK: You do! But you’ll get the hang of it!
YOU: Can you show me some of your special moves?
HOT JOCK: Meet me in the locker room!
Done and done. See more benefits of playing sports and getting outside the gym on my blog.
To get Hollywood fit, grab some balls! *W*