FitnessBytes: Consistency Pays Off!

Ok you guys, the past few weeks I’ve taken it pretty easy, and while it is totally important to have the right mindset and take the occasional break, the rest requires consistent hard work. Dedication!

Recently I was clicking through an US Weekly gallery of Jennifer Aniston through the years, which was literally picture after picture of her super hot body in a different bikini throughout the past decade. Nothing changed! Even if you’re the most hardcore Brangeloonie, you can’t argue with the body.

Her secret is consistency. Jen puts a concentrated effort into her workouts and meal plans, most famously the Zone Diet, interval treadmill training (switching from high intensity to moderate and back every few minutes), plus yoga. These things are integrated into her routine on the daily. DAILY. As Ms. Aniston proves, consistency pays off!

Finds ways to make fitness part of each day & stay beautiful! [w]

Find out why I’m on Team Aniston!

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About WES FERGUSON 129 Articles
Wes Ferguson is a former Senior Editor at Entertainment Tonight and is a certified personal trainer; specializing in his own brand of combination moves that target multiple areas of the body at once for maximum results in minimal time. He has a background in martial arts, gymnastics, yoga and dance, He currently trains in Hollywood and runs a wellness website,