Superman Henry Cavill used to be more of a chunk than a hunk! He was even picked on as a kid for his weight, but today the tables have clearly turned after he found confidence through acting and started his body transformation.
“I was fat. I was Fat Cavill,” he says. When the young Brit was sent to boarding school, he recalls, “I bawled on the phone to my mom four times a day. I became an easy target.” (SOURCE)
Jennifer Aniston is the poster girl for ‘Yogalosophy,’ a 28-day program by her friend and yoga instructor Mandy Ingber that combines yoga and “toning exercises” that use body resistance to strengthen muscles. The trend is adding a twist to yoga that makes it more accessible and enjoyable — if you read books. Surprisingly this is not a workout DVD!
Hollywood’s latest fitness fad is doing the 2Fly Dance! The 90s inspired class uses old school music and moves for a nostalgic sweat session. Follow the craze at 2FlyDanceFit.com.
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