Stop the presses! BEYONCÉ IS STILL NOT PREGNANT. Gossips obsessed with another Jay-Z/Bey baby keep the rumors going, but Queen B’s wardrobe says otherwise — showing off a fit, trim figure for The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour.
Good news for Tim Tebow! People stopped talking about his virginity long enough to pay attention to his next career move, signing with the New England Patriots.
Meanwhile, Serena Williams won the French Open and solidified herself as one of best all-time tennis players — and if you want to stay in shape like Serena, there’s an app for that. Nike Training Club (NTC) now includes workouts from pros like Miss Williams. GET IT!
“Stunt on them Serena. 31 and in your prime. You have no idea how much you inspire all of us women. I’m so proud of you.
All my love and respect,
Jessica Biel does get enough credit for her backside, IMO. The girl is bangin’! Girlfriend showed off her “pert derriere” as The Daily Mail so eloquently put it, in a tight pair of workout pants while walking her dog. She IS well known for her intense workouts, which use circuit training (similar to what I use with my clients). The hard work obviously pays off IN THE END.
If you haven’t seen Prancercise by now, you obviously had a blackout this week and made your first destination PopBytes when the power came back on. It’s kind of EVERYWHERE, and it’s kind of WONDERFUL. As I’m often training my clients in parks around LA, I actually see this kind of stuff on the regular. The more ridiculous you look, the more it must be working.
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