Just weeks ago Katie Couric formally confirmed her resignation from hosting CBS’s Evening News, but early Monday another Today Show alumni announced a departure, this time Meredith Vieira. Amongst rampant rumors that Matt Lauer was also leaving (he’s quoted as saying “I’ve read the speculation. I have a long term deal with NBC news. I’m going to be here for awhile. You’re going to get sick of me.”) Vieira acknowledged that she was indeed leaving the show (Ann Curry is set to take her spot). There was speculation that the move came as a result of her husband Richard M. Cohen‘s health, but she set the record straight, stating; “My husband is in good health, and that’s part of the reason I want to leave right now. I want to be there with him, and I want to have fun, and I want to appreciate our time together and not have to punch a clock so much. It diminished him, those articles, and it diminished me.” Meredith is set to maintain a relationship with NBC, but in which capacity was not made clear yet.