So far, Farrah Abraham has plugged her latest porno by lying about it being released without her permission, only to have that lie blow up right in her face to the surprise of no one. Well, now she’s saying that she wants to stop having sex and become a nun so that she can be a virgin forever. On a related note, I don’t think Farrah understands what the word ‘virgin’ means. Who’d a thunk it?
“People use sex for power and manipulation when sex is supposed to be enjoyable and great,” adding “I don’t feel that. I want to be a virgin forever — or a nun.” At 22 years old, the mother of 4-year-old Sophia explains she never wanted to have sex before marriage. “It’s just how I grew up. I wanted to wait to have sex, but then it ended up happening,” adding that the high school social events and a relationship changed everything. “I always wanted to wait until marriage to make it special. I like making things special.” SOURCE
I get the feeling that if you gave Farrah a dictionary and asked her to look up the word ‘virgin’ for you, she’d tell you that learning is how the devil enters your brain. I’ve literally never seen someone so confidently stupid in my entire life, and I was once ‘friends’ with someone who believed blowing your nose would give you a cold. Needless to say, we’re not friends anymore, but that had more to do with the fact that he was a hateful little douche than anything. Where was I? Ah, yes, someone needs to beat Farrah over the head with a dictionary.