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April 28th UPDATE!
hey kids – this just in! here is a popbytes EXCLUSIVE ‘first peek’ picture of the upcoming new david blaine stunt that is due to air on ABC on may 8th (this is the latest in a long crazy line of previous stunts & tricks) david will attempt to hold his breath for nine minutes – hoping to set a brand new world record! this part comes at the end of being submerged for seven full days – he will have access to liquid nutrition and oxygen through a tube but that is a long ass time to be in water – i bet his fingers & toes will wrinkle! oh his antics are going to put us all on edge while watching him attempt this latest stunt! what will he do after this??? many special thanks to an upstate NY EMT (they do need people like that on hand in case something goes horribly awry) who passed along this very exclusive picture…just look at the tank – oh it’s gorgeous – the holding tank is actually a glass sculpture and with the lighting it is stunningly beautiful…as is mr. blaine! oh i so can’t wait to catch this! and if your in NYC you will be able to see blaine during those seven days at lincoln center! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!

mr. blaine entered the sphere this afternoon in NYC @ lincoln square and my awesome gal pal over at tabloid whore will be keeping close tabs on david all week! lordy seven days in that tank is such a long time to be wet! also check out the latest pics below from the good folks over at gothamist! i wish i was still in NYC – i would be camped out all week! oh and don’t forget to checkout mr. blaine’s website over at – popbytes out for now…xxoo!

hey kids! it has been about 28 hours now since mr. blaine entered his water home of seven days – i was able to catch diane sawyer over on GMA interviewing him this morning! things seem to be going well except his feet and hands are really starting to bother him – he has gloves over his hands filled with vaseline to protect his digits – being in water for seven days can do a lot to a person’s body! at least it is warm inside – the temperature is set at 96 degrees just slightly below normal body temp and the water is actually salt water! (which does make up a lot of our bodies) he seemed to be in great spirits and really enjoys seeing all the people visiting him around the sphere – plus he actually got a visitor when kelly ripa joined him inside for a bit on ‘regis & kelly’ – she is so wacky she must have had a blast! many special thanks to tarquin who snapped some pics i posted below – and there are more pics over on their MSN group – popbytes out for now…xxoo!

hey kids – sorry for the delayed update! i haven’t really heard any new updates on mr. blaine except he has now spent over 80 hours underwater…by the end of the stunt on may 8th he will have spent about 168 hours in that sphere! thanks to teknogeek who over on flickr posted some pictures of how the sphere is looking at night – it is stunning in the dark! if anyone has any updates or info on how david is doing – please send it over! popbytes out for now…xxoo!

i caught david on jimmy kimmel last night where he was interviewed by jimmy’s cousin sal and reverend run (of run DMC) – mr. blaine was in very high spirits and was joking around with everybody and all seems to be going just ‘swimmingly’ plus i was able to snap some pics direct off the TV – not the best pics ever but you will get the idea! popbytes out for now…xxoo
PS oh i almost forget…i have been so busy today…thanks to
hurty elbow (great site tagline btw…comedy that’s quite hurty in the elbow) who sent over the blaine ‘snowglobe’ ad that you see below –
i would totally buy one! and make sure to stop by over at tabloid
whore who posted her 4th day update with some more fun blaine
items o’ interest and don’t forget to make sure to stop by popbytes tomorrow for more blaine madness! i love this stuff!

it’s friday! those blaine hands have made their public wrinkle debut! my goodness those are some prune hands – everyone has posted these pictures but i could not resist adding it to my daily blaine update – and thanks to bessma for some extra pictures below! plus make sure to check over at tabloid whore for her fifth day update! don’t forget (i will remind you all – no worries) the big special airs on monday night where david will do the whole holding his breath for nine minutes while escaping from 150lbs of chains & shackles – good times! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!

oh no! word is that david is weakening and will be getting some medical attention this weekend – of course the worse problem is his hands with the quickly worsening wrinkles & peels effect – oh i hope he will be ok to pull off the nine minute stunt on monday but if he is not i hope someone in their right mind stops him – you already did enough so please don’t push it if you can’t blaine! thanks to meghan’s flickr for today’s round of pics! popbytes over & out…xxoo!

i’m getting worried people – david blaine continues to be in a weakening state…
I think the time has started to really take its toll on my body. It has
started to become horrific in many, many ways. Every muscle doesn’t just
ache, it feels like a sharp, shooting pain, like a knife being stabbed.
I don’t think it’s permanent, but I’ve never felt this kind of pain in a
stunt before.
…and tomorrow is the big day – i almost am starting to think he wont be able to complete the whole holding his breath stunt – you can read more over here…thanks to jayceman’s flickr photos – that site has been so helpful in keepin’ this blaine post fresh & updated – flickr doth rock! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo

the holding his breath bit ends at 7 minutes & 8 seconds – read more on popbytes here…