Remember how yesterday, I took time out from my busy, busy schedule of vacation time to remind you all that Kim Kardashian is a whore? And that she’s only famous because she has a sex tape? Well, clearly you guys took that reminder to heart because over the weekend, the site for Kim’s sex tape got over 2 million views as everyone remembered that America’s version of the royal family is actually just a bunch of wookie prostitutes.
TMZ has learned … roughly 2 MILLION people visited KimKsuperstar.com between Friday and Sunday night … a HUGE boost from the average weekend traffic. In fact, the site only averages 300k unique visitors PER MONTH — so it seems all the fanfare from the wedding led to some serious handfare across the planet. And get this laddies — according to Google Trends, America did NOT lead the pack in Internet searches for “Kim Kardashian Sex Tape” … that honor went to Ireland. SOURCE
You know what? I have no real proof to back this up, but I’m just going to go ahead and take full credit for this. I mean, between the fact that I took the time to point out that the bride had no business wearing white, and the fact that my ancestral Ireland took up the call, I feel like I changed the world. Specifically by telling you all that Kim Kardashian purposely sold her sex tape because you can put porn on the market without having the models sign a massive release form followed by them providing copies of two valid forms of government-issued ID. Whore.