Everyone hates Ashton Kutcher: Country music edition

Ashton Kutcher and Miranda Lambert

The fact that Ashton Kutcher is a colossal idiot probably shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone at this point, since he cheated on his wife during their anniversary and has been repeatedly accused of allegedly using his shows and work to promote his own investments. But now everyone in country music hates him too, after he showed up to the Country Music Awards (no, I don’t know why either) wearing what can only be described as ‘Mystique’s country realness’. Yeah, this has been a Drag Race-heavy after noon when it comes to jokes and references. Sorry ’bout it. Us Weekly reports:

Upon reflection, Labmert herself wasn’t amused by Kutcher’s schtick. The star, 28, tweeted late Monday: “Was Ashton Kutcher making fun of country or is it just me? Watching it back now and I’m kinda wondering?” Fellow country singer Justin Moore was more direct — and visceral. In the audience at the MGM Grand Garden Arena, he tweeted, “Seen Ashton kutcher at the acms tonight. What a douche! I don’t care for people making a mockery of the way country artists’ dress.”

Indeed, there was no love lost between Kutcher and most of the crowd during the show and at an afterparty, insiders reveal to Us. “People were just like ‘why is he here?’ – he has nothing to do with country,” one attendee told Us “Nobody laughed at his dumb jokes, in fact he came off as rude. He didn’t mingle.”

A second source adds that Kutcher walked around the bash “with a massive posse” and “stayed in that dumb outfit for the after party.” At the afterparty, Moore “was so heated over Ashton” and was “bitching about him” with Lambert’s husband and show host Blake Shelton, the source says.

Most people would naturally assume that you don’t show up to the country music awards wearing the most podunk white trash outfit you can find before acting like a standoffish dick, unless of course you want people to assume you’re a condescending jerk. Also, you probably shouldn’t piss off Miranda Lambert because she will destroy you. And she will enjoy it too.

Ashton Kutcher and Miranda Lambert

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.