A couple weeks back, Joss Whedon hinted that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch would be appearing in the next Avengers movie. And to pump that rumor even more, here’s some casting news about Evan Peters (of American Horror Story fame) scoring the role of Quicksilver in the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past. Via HuffPo …
X-Men: Days of Future Past director Bryan Singer announced on Thursday that Evan Peters will play Quicksilver in the upcoming X-Men sequel that Twentieth Century Fox will release next July. That’s great news for Quicksilver fans, because it means the mutant could appear in two blockbuster franchises between 2014 and 2015. Marvel’s The Avengers director Joss Whedon already teased that Quicksilver and his twin sister Scarlet Witch may factor in the Avengers sequel that Disney will release in 2015.
Granted, so far there’s no word on whether he’ll actually appear in The Avengers II, especially since most of the moral IPs are currently scattered amongst various studios due to copyright law being what it is. Oh intellectual property laws, you are just the biggest bitches in the entire world.