hey boys & girls! i wanted to fill you all in about one of my new music discoveries – duffy (join her on myspace) who is an up & coming welsh 23 yr old soul singer/songwriter and has been dubbed the new dusty springfield! popbytes’ pal ms. jessie sent over her first single mercy and i was instantly sold – she predicts duffy will be huge in 2008 – and i totally agree! you simply must watch the gorgeous video below – she has that amy winehouse retro/60’s feel which i totally dig but she adds her own special spin plus she happens to be really sexy & charming (and not strung out) i love her whole vibe! (sadly i don’t think we’ll be seeing ms. winehouse at the grammy awards on feb 10th…at least she’s finally in rehab) duffy’s debut album rockferry will be released over in the UK on march 3rd – and hopefully she’ll get a release stateside! (she also better get herself to los angeles and play a show!) i get pitched on music all the time but as many people know i’m quite a fusspot when it comes to music but when i like something – i make sure to post about it – hence tonight’s blog entry! popbytes over & out for tonight…xxoo (woo hoo – tomorrow is friday!)