The other night I caught Australian band, The Preatures, play their first show here in Los Angeles (at The Satellite in Silver Lake), and they put on a terrific hour-long set! Their rock and roll style of music is a drop out of my pop comfort zone, but sometimes it’s great to get out and hear something different for a change (and there were definitely hints of groovy pop in the music as well). I also was really taken by lead singer Isabella Manfredi (she sometimes shares vocals with cutie Gideon Bensen), she had awesome style and was wearing a Pretenders t-shirt, which totally made me love her right off the bat (she has shades of Chrissie Hynde for sure). The band just released an EP (via Harvest Records) called Is This How You Feel? (in advance of their debut album due out sometime next year) which you can check out on iTunes, plus catch the music video (rocking a total ’70s vibe) for the title track below.