One of the biggest stories from MTV’s VMAs last night, other than “Hey look, Kim Kardashian is still a terrible person!” was Nicki Minaj having herself a wardrobe malfunction after her dress refused to zip and she had to hold the damn thing together for the duration of her performance. In a related story, Nicki wears clothes? Huh–you learn something new every day. Anyway, TMZ is now reporting that the entire thing may have been one big publicity stunt, the biggest hint being–it’s the VMAs!
Nicki Minaj CLAIMS her dress was unzipped during her performance at the VMAs because she didn’t have enough time to get ready … but that’s BS — she pulled the same stunt during rehearsals. Eyewitnesses who watched Nicki’s rehearsal Sunday morning tell TMZ … she walked on stage wearing the same dress — unzipped. One eyewitness says it caught her eye because she initially thought Nicki had come out in a robe. We’re told Nicki was wrapping her arms around the dress in a “weird” sort of way … trying to manipulate it to see how much would be exposed. And we’re told … the VMAs created a make-shift dressing room right off stage — draped with black sheets — so she would have enough time to change.
Oh let’s not take anything too seriously or flippantly here–it’s the VMAs. The entire point is to toe that line between sexy / trashy as hard as possible. Miley Cyrus managed to milk an entire year’s worth of publicity out of last year’s show. My point being that ripping off your clothes shouldn’t be a huge deal at an awards show where everyone looks like they ripped their clothes off on the red carpet already!