So, weird random fact of the day: Gwyneth Paltrow and Pink apparently became pretty good friends when they were working together on Thanks For Sharing, that movie about sex addicts that came out a little while ago. But then things went sour after Pink started getting better reviews than Gwyneth (this was Pink’s first live-action movie, so I guess she had an impressive first outing) and ever since, according to the National Enquirer, Gwyneth has been busy talking sh!t about Pink.
“It was obvious Gwyneth was jealous,” said the source. “She started telling people, ‘Why would I ever want to work with that dirty girl again? She’s so unpleasant and unkempt, I don’t even like being around her.’” Pink was hurt when word got back to her, but the feisty rocker could get the last laugh. “She’s going to write a song about a phony friend with two faces,” the source revealed. “And she’s using Gwyneth for inspiration.”
Granted, this is the National Enquirer, so for all we know this could be false. That being said, I really need this to be true, because nothing would make me happier than the idea of Gwyneth talking like she’s Joan Crawford. It just makes so much sense. You can kinda see it now, can’t you?
Pink: No, seriously, what’s your problem? I got some good reviews. Why are you so bent out of shape?
Gwyneth: Why can’t you give me the RESPECT I’m entitled to, that I can get from any STRANGER on the STREET?!
Pink: Whoa. Are you … feeling okay?
Gwyneth: Don’t FUCK with me, you DIRTY, unkempt girl! This isn’t my first time at the RODEO!
Pink: Listen, I’m just gonna go now. You uh … you just take care of yourself.
Gwyneth: Pink, bring me the axe! I’m going to tear down this BITCH of a bearing wall … also, something about WIRE HANGERS.