Alright, I’m going to attempt the impossible here by writing an entire post on Christina Hendricks without referencing her giant glorious boobs. I may be gay, but God help me, those things are a thing of beauty. Anyway, in an interview with Health magazine, Christina Hendricks talked about her body, and said that she would trade bodies with Jessica Alba. Really? That’s like trading in a steak for cheeseburger. Doesn’t she know how many women would kill for her … Ummm, figure.
Christina Hendricks talks about her body again, how she stays fit and life as a newlywed in an interview in the July/August issue of Health magazine. Here are some excerpts:
On her body being women’s most desired type:
“Really? They don’t say Jessica Alba? ‘Cause that’s what I say! [Laughs.] It’s such a compliment, because of all those times I had agents who were like, ‘You have to lose some weight,’ and all of a sudden, people are celebrating it. It’s like: ‘Oh, thank you! Thank you for letting me be me.'” SOURCE
I honestly can’t understand what she’s on about here; she’s starring in Mad Men, one of the most critically acclaimed shows on TV right now, while Jessica Alba hasn’t been in a mainstream movie since The Love Guru. All I’m saying is that Christina Hendricks is way BOOBIES HOOTERS MELONS JUGS SWEATER-PUPPIES KNOCKERS FUNBAGS GIANT GLORIOUS BREASTS OF MAGIC AND WONDER.
… Fuck.