I came across this video the other day posted by Chris Crocker (who became an overnight sensation on YouTube after posting his now infamous Leave Britney Alone video back in 2007), and I simply had to post it here on PopBytes because I couldn’t agree more with Chris when it comes to the current state of Britney Spears and her severely lackluster, phoned in and robotic performances. I love Britney as much as the next person but girlfriend should seriously stick to releasing albums (perfectly crafted inside the safe confines of a recording studio with lots of fancy ass equipment to make everything perfect) and leave performing live on stage behind, because she’s just not into it and is making herself look ridiculous (her upcoming Femme Fatale tour is going to be a lip synced train wreck). Lord only knows what’s really going on with BritBrit, but there’s just something not quite right with Ms. Spears as of late (she can’t testify in court but can walk around aimlessly on stage?). Yes, it’s sad but oh so true.