Yesterday, Chris Brown showed up to court over the tiny little matter that he may or may not have faked his community service. Despite some pretty overwhelming evidence and testimony that he and his mom faked a pretty decent chunk of his community service, as well as a laundry list of high-profile temper tantrums, Chris decided to show up to court with Rihanna, aka the woman he nearly beat to death and left for dead. Because if he were really guilty, would the girl he beat have given him a second chance? Oh, wait, the cycle of abuse is indicative of exactly that? Ah. Well then. Via TMZ …
As we first reported, prosecutors believe Chris participated in a scheme to DUPE the court by getting Virginia officials to say he completed service at a day care center that he never actually performed. But today in court, the judge said he needed more time to review all of the evidence presented by the D.A..– and ordered Brown to meet with his probation officer within 48 hours to discuss the situation. The judge says he wants to hear from the P.O. after the meeting — and scheduled the next court hearing for April 5. Brown and Rihanna left the courtroom arm-in-arm — and one person on the scene tell us she smiled at the singer and tried to cheer him up as they left the building.
True story: When we were kids, if any of my brothers or I got into trouble for hitting each other, our alibi would always be to pick up whoever we hit and go, “look, see? He’s fine! Completely fine!” So congrats Chris, for having all the mental acuity of my eight-year-old self. A slow clap for a slow person.