Yeah, surprise surprise here, but following Chris Brown‘s breakfast break-down a couple days ago on Good Morning America, his publicist has decided to jump ship now that everyone’s realized that he’s still essentially an eight-year-old with a multi-million dollar bank account and The Hulk‘s general train of thought. Somewhere out there, Russell Simmons shakes his head while he watches Miley Cyrus kill a carebear or something.
Chris Brown lost his marbles on GMA, and now the hot-headed singer has lost his publicist. We hear that Brown’s spokeswoman, Tammy Brook, will no longer be representing him after the star trashed his GMA dressing room, smashed a window and left without his shirt from the morning talk show earlier this week. Sources close to the star tell us she and Brown have decided to end their relationship following his meltdown on GMA. Brook couldn’t be reached last night. SOURCE
Sure, this sounds bad, but really, does Chris really need a publicist? I mean seriously, you do realize his fans have absolutely no problem with a mediocre singer with ho-hum looks beating a woman’s face off as long as he can auto-tune his voice into a messy haze. Honestly, he could run over every single on of his fans with a truck and they’d still buy his albums while twisting their brains around trying to defend him. “Well, I had it coming. Chris is an emotional human being, and I was totally asking for it, just walking on the sidewalk like that.”