The one thing that’s kept Chris Brown relevant and famous all these years has been the fact that he makes the most general, ho-hum R&B pop imaginable. That kind of bland appeal has made him rich and successful and has allowed his fans to overlook the fact that he nearly beat Rihanna to death for no reason whatsoever. Except here’s Chris talking about how he might make a country album some day, which means he can pretty much kiss his career goodbye. TooFab reports …
“Music is for everyone. When you put genres on music, you segregate it. I want to always be able to do any kind of music I want. When I get older I might want to do a country album. Next year, I might want to do all hip-hop album or alternative album. Just making sure that anything that goes down, showing my audience or showing people that have a creative mind that you can do anything you want, it’s just about believing and loving what you’re doing in a positive way.”
In case you’re wondering how that would work out…
Fans: We love you Chris!
Chris: Who wants to hear me play this banjo? Twang-diddly-diddly!
Fans: Oh that’s right, you almost murdered Rihanna didn’t you? Okay, we’re done here.