Oh Cher … Cher Cher Cher … what are we going to do with you? Your Twitter feed is just the most delightful, typo-ridden stream of consciousness I’ve ever seen, and I love you for it. Anyway, our darling diva sat through an episode of Bridezillas and tweeted about her disdain for the reality show, if you’ve seen the show you know what she’s talking about. Unfortunately, a mix of crossed-wires and poor sentence structure ended up making it sound like she wanted to dropkick all of the Kardashian sisters off an overpass, and since I so want to see that happen, that’s the interpretation I’m going with here.
@Cher: Looking at show called “Bridezilla”chick named Rae Rae ! I don’t know ENOUGH Swear Words 4 This OBNOXIOUS BITCH ! Run 4 yer Life Husband 2B
@Cher: I don’t watch reality ! Never saw a Kardashian but these Bitches should b Drop kicked down a freeway !Not kidding! Nos I no r this Fkn nuts
@Cher: feel like I live in a cave !Once watched J&Kate they were sweet! This shit is HARD CORE! Is true Kardashian did Porno ! I’m so Fkn outa it !
@Cher: Let me be clear ! Am not Hate’n Kardashian Fam.Don’t know them! Bridezilla’s crazy Bitches!Saw Brother onDWTS & my friend told me bout girls
All right, so if you read it right, Cher was most likely trying to say “I don’t watch reality TV, never saw a Kardashian, but these bitches [i.e. The Bridezillas] need to be punted down a freeway.” So chances are she doesn’t really harbor any ill-will to the sisters K, but still, if the idea of watching Cher punt Kim Kardashian down a busy street doesn’t give you just the tiniest boner in your soul, then you’re probably dead inside.