I know, I know, I declared a moratorium on all things Charlie Sheen a while ago, but it seems the guy has sobered up and apparently has no plans on having that overdose that we can all see coming around the corner so since I’m sure he won’t be dying any time soon, it’s okay to make jokes on the Internet about him. Anyway, after literally daring his boss to fire him and then imploding in an orgy of cheap gold-diggers and crystal meth, Charlie Sheen somehow managed to walk away with $25 Million for being fired, despite the fact that anyone else who pulled this shit would be rewarded, at best, a shit sandwich. The Huffington Post reports:
Sheen filed a $100 million lawsuit for wrongful termination against Warner after his firing, which followed bitter public tirades directed at the studio and the show’s executive producer. A judge ordered arbitration in the case, with a status report set for December. The Los Angeles Times reported that final touches are being put on a deal that would give Sheen about $25 million to settle out of his contract.
All right, ignoring all of the outside influences that, in and of themselves, would have warranted him getting shitcanned from just about every single job that has or will ever exist, let’s look at the facts: Charlie told his boss to fuck off, called him a worm, and then called his parenting into question. I don’t care who you are, you cannot say shit like that to the guy who signs your paychecks and expect to keep the money coming in. Not how that works. Also, quick notes to the young people here: maintaining a proper outward appearance, handling criticism and having to work your way up to the position you want? All of those are part of any job you will have. No one will ever pay you to do nothing, so you might as well learn that fast.