A little while back, a rumor started going around that Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston would be playing Lex Luthor in the upcoming Man of Steel sequel. There was no actual basis to this rumor, other than the fact that he plays another bald villainous man on a hit TV show, but the internet picked it up and ran with it anyway. Well, my apologies to the fanboys who were hoping this would turn out to be true, but MSN has just debunked the rumor as exactly that.
Despite the story getting picked up by numerous mainstream media outlets, there is not one shred of truth to it. It originated with a fan website that has been known for printing sheer fabrications to score hits — which is why we won’t name the site or link to it here.
But one look at the original story, which claims that Cranston has been signed for anywhere from six to ten appearances as Luthor, will tip off anyone with average intelligence that this is garbage. For one thing, the same story claims that Ben Affleck has signed for 13 film appearances as Batman, which would probably make him around 70 by the time he finished playing the role.
Even better, the article also hints that Ben’s good friend Matt Damon is being considered to play either Aquaman or Martian Manhunter somewhere down the line. That’s rich, isn’t it? The guys behind the site have to know how ridiculous this all is — yet they’ve fooled a number of major news outlets already.
So the tl;dr version here is that a site no one ever heard of started a completely untrue rumor and it turns out it was completely untrue. Woohoo. And so concludes another thrilling episode of “The More You Already Knew.”