Britney Spears is about to release her gayest album ever, Femme Fatale, so according to all things gay, she appeared on the cover of OUT magazine because, as we all know, actual gays appear on the cover of OUT about as often as they appear at a Nickelback concert.
I first learned about sex…
When I was 12 years old. From my mom. I was confused and disgusted.Kissing Madonna was…
Cool.You’ve been married twice — once for only 55 hours. How do you feel about gay marriage?
I think everyone should be treated equally.Lady Gaga is…
Unique.Christina Aguilera is…
Truly talented.Britney Spears is…
Of course, this interview was probably done before Xtina got arrested for getting drunk as shit and not even being able to remember the lyrics to her own national anthem, although to be fair, who can Britney really judge at this point? I love her, but she also believes in flashing her vagina in exchange for Fanta. Come on honey, you can at least score some vodka off that shit. The good kind too.