I’m sure this must come as a total shock to all of you, but after allegations that Britney Spears beat her kids with a belt and also fed them food they were allergic to! Social workers are gonna be taking a trip to the Spears residence to investigate her ‘parental abilities’. But the joke is on them, because you can’t investigate something that doesn’t exist! HA! Score one for Team Britney!
“He claims the first really shocking incident was when she came marching into the pool house at her mansion and demanded his belt. “He handed it over but then followed her into the main house and claims he witnessed the alleged incident.” Flores also accused Britney of feeding the boys food they were allergic to, including shellfish. The alleged incidents took place in late March or early April. SOURCE
Are you kidding me? That’s it? Christ, at this point I’m almost surprised she hasn’t started using them as furniture. Hey, all I’m saying is that sometimes, when you get home after a long day of walking around without a bra and drinking Starbucks, you need to rest your weary feet. And why pay all that money for an ottoman when you have perfectly good children handy? They also make great can openers and bedside tables!