You know when you meet a guy and you think he’s cute and kinda charming, and then you realize he’s absolutely fucking insane and a total douchebag? That’s pretty much my reaction to the recent realization that Big Brother‘s houseguest Jeff Schroeder is a gigantic, insane homophobe who hates Dumbledore.
It all went down inside the BB house last night — during a live feed on the Internet — when Jeff and Kalia began talking about the fact J.K. Rowling wrote Dumbledore as a gay character. Jeff — shocked by the revelation — says, “He’s in a school with little kids, you can’t make that guy gay!” He added, “It isn’t right to have it in a little kids book, and have the head master locked away in this magical land, be gay. That isn’t the right kind of writing to do.” Kalia responded, “Why? Gay men can’t work with little kids!?” … adding, “Just because he is gay, doesn’t mean there is a thing wrong with him.” SOURCE
I was actually kind of totally surprised until I read that he was also a raging gaycist when he was last on Big Brother, which is kind of hilarious when you remember that the most famous people from Big Brother are (A) gay fashionista Marcellas Reynolds, and (B) gay porn star Steven Daigle. All I’m saying is the only way to actually make it on the show is by being a huge ‘mo. Guess you’re fucked, Jeff!