I’ve never really had much of an opinion on Beyoncé, mostly because she kind of stayed out of the media crosshairs which made her kind of a boring subject. Well, those days are over because apparently, a video game company is now suing her over a project that fell through because of her. But wait, there’s more! Not only did her diva demands for more money cause the game they were working on to get canned, but 70 employees got fired because of her… ON THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS.
A video game company called Gate Five filed papers today in NY — in which they claim they had a deal in place in 2010 to create a game with Beyoncé called, Starpower: Beyoncé. According to the docs, things went awry during a “crucial moment in the project’s development” when Beyoncé made “an extortionate demand” for more money — even though the two sides already had a deal in place. Gate Five claims her move “drove 70 people into unemployment, the week before Christmas” … and notes that one of the project’s backers described her conduct as “morally reprehensible.” SOURCE
Holy crap, that is bad. Like, REALLY bad. Actually, when you think about it, remember in How The Grinch Stole Christmas how at the end all the Whos down in Whoville gather around a tree? How many were there do you think? Less than seventy? Because if there was, then that means that Beyoncé has officially ruined more Christmases than the Grinch. Congrats, B. You are literally worse than a cartoon villain whose sole purpose in life is to ruin Christmas, a day that only happens once per year.