Benedict Cumberbatch has really been campaigning for the title of best person alive over the past couple years, what with his air-tight nerd cred, his upcoming portrayal of Julian Assange, and now he’s officiating gay weddings! Could he BE more perfect? The answer is no. The Sun reports …
The actor oversaw the civil ceremony of two male pals in Ibiza on Saturday night — and it went down a treat. Benedict — previously voted The Sun’s sexiest man — revealed it was the first time he had done it, saying he agreed because it was for an old friend. He said: “It’s a very private, lovely thing to be asked to do. “Of course I’m going to make a joke after it if it goes well — ‘I do weddings. Next will be children’s parties and bat mitzvahs’. “It’s a mainly Jewish and gay audience so hopefully they will be lenient towards me.”
True story here: This morning, my boyfriend asked me whether or not I ever considered marriage (we’ve been dating a year and a half now) and I basically told him that I’m open to the idea and it’ll happen when it feels right. I’d now like to change my answer to “Yes, but only if Sherlock does the deed. Or Drag Race alum Latrice Royale. I can go either way on this one.”