thankfully we haven’t heard the last from bea arthur … when she passed away last april ms. arthur left money in her will to PETA and they’ve decided to use it for a new campaign using her picture to protest against mcdonald’s for utilizing chicken from where abuse is practiced – dubbed mccruelty (something i didn’t really know went on (or maybe i didn’t want to know) but the claims of cruelty don’t surprise me at all) i think the ad is great – i know ms. arthur would totally approve! i’ve been recently watching reruns of the golden girls (on WETV) those four ladies had such amazing energy together – classic TV at its best! with all the attention betty white has been getting lately (god bless that woman!) it’s so nice to see bea again back in the spotlight – oh i still miss her – ms. arthur was one of the greatest comedic actresses of her time! PETA is organizing a protest outside a mcdonald’s in downtown chicago on april 25th – to mark the ad’s debut along with commemorating the one-year anniversary of bea’s passing – i seriously wish i could be there! popbytes over & out for now … xoxo