oh gosh … it’s only monday and already the bad ideas are flowing freely around hollywood … here’s one of the worst ideas i’ve heard about in quite awhile – supposedly papa joe simpson (who should probably go hang out with joe jackson – i bet those two would get along really well) is trying to push producers of american idol into considering his daughter jessica simpson as a replacement for judge paula abdul! first off – no one is going to be able to replace ms. abdul … certainly not ms. simpson (although i bet she’d do the show for peanuts and wine) and secondly i highly doubt this will happen but the fact that it’s even being talked about truly sends chills and shivers down my spine – what a joke – just like ms. simpson’s flailing music career – HA! i’m actually still holding onto a very small bit of hope that maybe ms. abdul will return for the 9th season but sadly that’s looking less and less of a possibility – i still say i won’t be tuning in this time around if paula’s not there – it just won’t be the same without her wacky yet lovable vibe! popbytes over & out for now … xoxo