Because she has a new album to sell and she needs some sort of hackneyed way to pimp it out, Avril Lavigne decided to show off just how totally PUNK ROCK!!! she is by getting a neck tattoo and then tweeting about it. Which is kind of a shame, since the tattoo in question is super lame and neck tattoos are about as edgy as a kitten made of doilies.
The singer tweeted on Saturday that “‘I’m getting a f**ing neck tattoo.” Very hardcore. She then tweeted “I did it,” while seemingly in mid-ink. Finally, she tweeted a picture of the finished product, with a very effusive, informative description: “Its a…… Safety pin b**hes!!!!” SOURCE
A safety pin? Really? Oh gag me with a spoon, that’s lame even by Avril’s usual standards. Remember when tattoos used to be super hardcore? Well, now even my grandmother has one, and my grandmother is the kind of woman who thinks that letting it mellow when it’s yellow is punishable by eternal damnation. Irish Catholics, go figure.