Audrina Patridge got canceled!

Audrina Patridge

I have no idea why, but apparently something clicked in people’s heads to make them stop watching reality shows about uninteresting, untalented celebrities (see: Kate + 8, The World According to Paris). So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Huffington Post is reporting that Audrina Patridge‘s show is canceled. Yeah, I know. Now where am I supposed to watch a woman stare at the ceiling for no discernible reason while talking in a tone of voice that suggests she just swallowed a fistful of Ambien?

If there are any fans of Audrina Patridge’s lastest reality show “Audrina,” they’ll be sad to learn the show likely won’t return for another season.

The Daily caught up with the former “The Hills” cast member, who told the paper another season isn’t in the cards.

“We finished in April and I kind of decided I wanted to take some time off from reality. I want to do something more like acting or hosting,” she said.

Meh, big whoop. I mean yeah, out of all the whores on The Hills, Audrina was probably the least terrible out of all of them, but that’s like being the smartest kid in a remedial class. Sadly, the only thing The Hills really had going for it was that everyone on the show was awful and it was fun watching them be awful to each other so that we could absorb the schadenfreude emanating from the TV set. Without a group of terrible people constantly on the verge of being stabbed, The Hills would have just been five minutes of wistful looks playing over overly-emotive college rock.

Audrina Patridge

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.