You know the story: Boy meets girl on the set of a terrible movie. Boy and girl fall in studio mandated Love™ (Love™ being a wholly owned trademark of the Monsanto company.) Girl cheats on boy with the married director of her movie. Boy and girl break up. Studio realizes that movie featuring a horribly unhealthy relationship can’t be sold to impressionable young women without the staged real-life romance between the leads. Boy and girl contractually make-up with each other … it’s like a fairytale. Anyway, Ashley Greene is really hoping that the scandal doesn’t tank the movie, because holy crap she needs this. Us Weekly reports …
“Hopefully, it won’t taint it and people will still be able to enjoy the movie,” Stewart’s costar tells the December/January issue of Seventeen magazine. In mid-July, Stewart, 22, was caught cheating on her on-screen and off-screen boyfriend Robert Pattinson, which devastated Twilight fans. But Greene, 25, is optimistic that Twi-hards will be able put aside that temporary heartache — the couple reconciled earlier this fall — and enjoy the final installment of the franchise. “I think a lot of people see us as our characters,” she says, “I really want them to still be able to do that.”
Admittedly, separating someone from their artwork is a pretty difficult thing, but I wouldn’t tell anyone to not see the last Twilight movie because of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart‘s relationship troubles. I would tell them not to watch it because the books and the movies are poorly written, feature uninteresting characters with unrealistic motivations, and glorifies a one-sided, emotionally abusive relationships, but don’t skip it because of R-Pattz and K-Stew.