oh my goodness this is best news ever! i am already loving march! there is a lot of buzz around the return of my beloved arrested development and its possible move to showtime – now there is finally reason to subscribe to showtime – they have had a bunch of shows (dead like me, queer as folk, weeds, and the l word) but none of them ever got me to sign up – i am so freakin’ ready to plop down my hard earned bucks for showtime right now! oh i really hope this is indeed true – the rumor is they will be picking it up for 26 episodes! woo hoo!
BUT i do have some small concerns…i want to make sure the show remains exactly as it lived on FOX – i don’t think they need to turn up the heat or make it curse central – i hope in the network ‘crossover’ the brilliance & wit of the show remains completely untouched as it makes its way to cable – i also am really praying that each cast member will stay along for the continued ride – it wouldn’t be the same without any of them! so in this whole deal FOX loses bigtime and showtime might finally be able to grab the audience they have desperately been searching for – rock on – this truly made my day! i am beaming – long live the bluth family! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!