Normally, I try not to use anymore than one exclamation mark (or none. I like none.) but news like this needs ALL THE EXCLAMATION MARKS! And capital letters. SO MANY CAPS. Anyway, in anticipation for the Arrested Development movie (which is finally a thing, thank heavens) a 4th season of the show will make its way onto the airwaves, possibly on Showtime. Marry me. Access Hollywood reports:
At an Arrested Development reunion Sunday at the New York Festival, the creators and cast announced plans for another season of theshort-lived but critically acclaimed TV show, which went off the air in 2006 after just three seasons. They also discussed more concrete plans for a much-awaited movie. Creator Mitchell Hurwitz said he wanted to do the movie originally but decided to tell where the nine main characters have been for the last five years. The Fox show starred Jason Bateman, Michael Cera and Portia de Rossi. Shooting for the TV show is tentatively set to begin next summer.
Oh. Thank. GOD. You have no idea how many Internet petitions I had to sign for this to happen, but apparently one of them must have worked. You know, because petitions are totally things that work. Look at all those Firefly petitions that convinced Fox to bring the show back from – what’s that? It’s still beloved but canceled? Shit. Well I guess the shows they do and don’t bring back is more or less completely random.