Oh my word … this is the silliest and most outlandish headline that STAR magazine has ran on its cover in a long time Bored With Brad … I definitely don’t believe that Angelina Jolie is bored with her life partner Brad Pitt – He’s not fun in bed anymore?! Oh please, I don’t think any of us would be bored with Mr. Pitt – he’s super sexy and talented – and although I don’t know him personally he seems to be a cool guy – plus he likes to smoke pot – we would totally get along! I think it’s time for the magazine to just leave Brangelina alone (Keep dreaming MK) I’m a firm believer that they found true love and I hope they really do grow old together! However if Ms. Jolie really is bored with Brad (and hates the way he eats – LOL) she can send him my way anytime – I know plenty of ways to put a smile on his face – I wouldn’t let that man out of my sight – or my bed! Popbytes over & out for now … xoxo
PS Jennifer Aniston is back with John Mayer?! I call bullshit and lies!

Actress Angelina Jolie attends the premiere for Salt at Le Grand Rex in Paris, France on August 17, 2010.