hey hey! so it looks like STAR magazine is keeping brad pitt busy – last week he was all concerned about jennifer aniston‘s new man…and now this week the magazine has him all worried about angelina jolie‘s weight! (who is supposedly weighing in at a mere 98lbs) i’m not feeling the latest cover – everyone knows i adore ms. jolie – i’ve said it before (i might as well have it written on my forehead) i like ms. aniston too! it’s for sure possible to be a fan of both gals! it still amazes me what a polarizing figure she is amongst most women – i can barely find an in between…gals either love her – or despise her! (i have one pal who still calls her a ‘husband stealer’ – i’m like let’s move on!)
the ‘shocking’ image of angelina below was taken when her & brad hit the red carpet at the ocean’s 13 premiere in hollywood not too long ago – there are pics of her looking thin (here’s a bunch over at souliejolie.com) but not like the one below! something about the photo just isn’t sitting right with me – i carefully inspected it but i couldn’t find anything major fixed but her inner arms and right elbow look off plus the size of her head isn’t quite right either! there are bad angles for photographs but when i saw this tonight – i was like oh my word! (she did recently open up about her weight loss citing her mom’s death) i say leave her alone – i know the magazine has to sell covers and all of ‘team aniston’ will be gleefully snapping up copies but it’s all so wrong!
in other stories – we’ve got an inside look at kelly clarkson‘s meltdown – she’s another person who people need to stop harping on – i’ve had a listen to her new album my december and it’s quite decent – clive davis should have his old man ears checked! next to her is the scoop on brad’s mom jane pitt and her recent visit to her ex-daughter in-law – she spent about two hours talking about who knows what – ah to be a fly on that wall – i’d love to know what they discussed!
lastly there’s nicole richie – with a headline claiming she has taken 73,000 pills in just four years! that’s a lot of pills for such a small girl! i did the math – that’s like 18,250 pills a year – broken down to fifty pills a day! do vitamins count as pills? that must be it – ha! if she is all hopped on pills – she should slow it down – we still don’t know if ms. richie is pregnant or not! popbytes over & out for tonight – xxoo!