UPDATE: “Due to the nature of a live show, hard decisions sometimes must be made which require the Academy to cut segments due to the logistics of production Andrew Garfield understood that his segment had to be omitted, and he drove to Disneyland on Monday to spend time with 5-year-old Miles Scott (Batkid) and his family.” – Spokesperson for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Remember Batkid? He was that little 5-year-old kid with cancer who got to spend the day running around San Francisco fighting crime as Batman? Well apparently, he was supposed to be at the Oscars where Andrew Garfield was going to name him an official superhero. Except, and you’re just going to love this, Garfield reportedly ended up bailing because he didn’t like his lines, and Batkid ended up getting cut from the ceremony. Page Six reports …
“Garfield refused to go by the script. He came up with his own lines. The producers felt that Garfield’s [rewrites] were not appropriate. Garfield had a tantrum. He stormed off. Miles and his family, who were at the rehearsal, were devastated.” The producers decided to cut the superhero initiation, but they paid for Miles to go to Disneyland. “Garfield was such a spoiled brat that he didn’t even want to be a presenter,” said my source. The academy had to call Captain America star Chris Evans to sub at the last minute.
Wait wait wait. So in Andrew’s mind, it’s more important for him to have good lines than it is to make a little kid happy. Jesus, I really hope this isn’t true, because that’s a level of douchiness that can only be fixed by having him catapulted at the moon. “This is for making Batkid cry! Oh, and also for The Other Boleyn Girl. *Launch*“