Amy Poehler and Tina Fey have been handling Golden Globes cohosting duties for the past couple years now for two very good reasons: First, Neil Patrick Harris can only handle so many hosting gigs, and second, because they’re hysterically funny and awesome and they single-handedly brought in the highest numbers in the show’s history. So that’s pretty good. Anyway, in an interview promoting her new book, Amy sat down and said that this would be their last year hosting, because it’s either a matter of stopping while you’re ahead or hosting The Golden Globes in 2035, when they’ll have an award for “Best Toddler Weight-Loss Reality Program.” A/V Club reports …
After their first appearance earned near universal acclaim, Fey and Poehler signed a two-year hosting deal with the Golden Globes. Their second appearance marked a 10-year high in Globes ratings. Assuming the upcoming ceremonies are equally successful, NBC would presumably love to have them back again. And Poehler left the door just a tiny bit ajar for such possibilities. “It’ll be like our farewell tour,” she joked about their final hosting gig, “We’ll be the Jay Z of the Globes and never retire.”
As much as I’m going to miss them, it’s always better to leave the audience wanting more. That and leaving the Golden Globes on a high note means they’ll probably get really good seating next time they’re nominated for anything. Hell, they’ll probably get to sit front row! That way you don’t have to maneuver around five tables just to pick up your trophy.