simply because i love geena davis (hello?! who doesn’t freak out over thelma and louise? my gosh, that movie still rocks my world!) she’s starring in a new movie from australia called accidents happen – it looks totally quirky and right up my alley – watch the trailer below (which gets bonus points for using empire of the sun‘s incredibly awesome song walking on a dream – i cannot wait until they play los angeles!) then catch it in theaters on april 22nd! popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo
ACCIDENTS HAPPEN is a wickedly funny and surprisingly moving fable of family, fate and misfortune in American suburbia. The manicured lawns of 1980’s New England imply an order that simply doesn’t exist for the Conway family, headed by razor–tongued Gloria. Youngest son Billy has been a witness to a series of tragic accidents, including one that fractured his whole family. Always the good boy, Billy takes up with the neighbourhood troublemaker in acts of delicious delinquency in a world already spinning out of control. The ensuing collision of guilt, truth and self discovery may be just what his family needs to move on. ACCIDENTS HAPPEN stars Academy Award®–winner Geena Davis as Gloria Conway and introduces Harrison Gilbertson as her teenage son Billy.